Dua To Save Marriage

Dua To Save Marriage

Dua To Save Marriage

Dua To Save Marriage or to strengthen marriage can be use to repair marriage. Get Solve queries about what dua can i read to save my marriage?

Which Dua I Can Use To Save Marriage?

Is your marriage going through a rough patch? Some problems can be so serious that your marriage can end in a divorce. We are sure you do not want this to happen to your marriage. In that case, you have to make use of a powerful solution. For example, you have to make use of dua to save the marriage.

There is a simple procedure that you have to follow in the case of the dua to save the marriage. But when you have to keep in mind some essential things. First of all, have a clear heart and mind. Secondly, do not hurt anyone. Finally, I have complete faith in the power of the Almighty. He can do things that may look impossible to you.

Now here is the procedure for the dua to save the marriage. Firstly, get up in the middle of the night and have a bath. Next, you must go to a clean and quiet room. Secondly, you have to pray Tahajjud Salaah. Next, you have to say Subhan Allah 33 times.

Dua To Save Marriage

Dua To Save Marriage

After that, you have to say Alhamdulillah 33 times and finally, say Allah Hu Akbar 34 times. Finally, you have to say Surah Yaseen. If you follow this procedure correctly, then the Almighty will surely save your marriage.

Which Dua I Can Use To Strengthen Marriage?

Dua To Strengthen Marriage, If you feel that things are not going well in your marriage then you have to take measures for the same. For example, if there are misunderstandings, then you need to discuss and sort it out. You must also ask the Almighty to help you. For this, you must do the dua to strengthen marriage.

You must do the dua that will increase the love between you and your spouse. You must first find out the process for the dua to strengthen marriage. Next, make sure that you follow the procedure correctly. In case you feel that the process is complicated or if you have any doubts, then consult an Islamic expert for the same.

Here is the process for the dua to strengthen marriage. Firstly you must take a sweet in your hand. Next, you have to say the dua

“wa min aayaatihee a kalaqalakum min anfusikumazwaajanlitaskunooilayhaawaja ‘ala baynakummawadatanwarahmahinna fi thalika la aayaatinliqawminyatafakaroon”

Remember, you have to say this verse from the Quran 99 times. Next, you must blow on the sweet that is there in your hands. Finally, ask your spouse to eat this sweet. Remember to do this procedure for three consecutive days. You will get the desired results in some time.

In case you do not get the results, then you must speak to an Islamic expert. He will check the details and will suggest other solutions that will help in resolving the issue.

Which Dua I Can Use To Repair Marriage?

Dua To Repair Marriage, Sometimes your marriage can become dull and boring. Your husband may lose interest in you. You may feel that nothing is going right in your marriage. In such cases, you must use the dua to repair the marriage.

There are many things that this dua can do. For example, it can help in increasing the love between you and your spouse. The dua to repair marriage can help in strengthening the bond between the two of you. But all this is possible only if you say this dua correctly. You must know the procedure of this dua.

So, here is the process for the dua to repair the marriage. Firstly, you have to recite the below-mentioned verse from Quran 11 times. The verse is:

“waallafabaynaquloobihim law anfaqta maa

fil ardijamee’a maa allaftabaynaquloobihimwalakin


Next, you have to recite FardhSalaah 11 times. Finally, you have to say the below-mentioned dua:

“allahummaallifbaynaquloobinaawaaslihthaatabayninaawahdinaasubul as-salaam wanajjinaaminazzulumaatiilannooriwajannibnalfawaahisha maa zaharaminhaawa maa batanawabaariklanaa fi asmaa’inaawaabsaarinaawaquloobinaawaazwaajinaawathurriyaatinaawa tub alaynaainnakaantattawwaab al raheemwaj’alnashaakireenalini’ matikamuthneenabihaaqaabileehaawaatammahaaalaynaa”

Make sure that you follow this procedure every day. Only then will you get the desired results. In case the dua is not giving results, then there is some serious issue that only an expert Molviji can resolve.

FAQ About Dua To Save Marriage

What Dua Can I Read To Save My Marriage?

If you feel that your marriage is going to end in a divorce, then you will try different ways to save it. For example, you will try to take help from well-wishers to resolve the issue. Or you may check what dua can I read to save my marriage? You usually must ask an Islamic expert the question that What dua can I read to save my marriage? Firstly, this expert will check the situation. Next, he will understand the problem. Finally, he will tell you what you must do to come out of this situation. If you want to know What dua can I read to save my marriage? Then read on to get more details about the same. First of all, remember that this dua you have to start on Wednesday morning. Firstly, you have to recite Durood Sharif 11 times. Next, you have to recite the Ayat to stop divorce. Finally, you have to recite the Durood Sharif 11 times. Keep in mind that this dua has to be recited every day. It is also essential that you try to speak with your spouse during this phase. The dua will take some time to show results. But if you think that you do not have enough time, then you must speak to an Islamic Molviji who has proven expertise in duas. He will tell you about different remedies as well as duas that can help you in saving your marriage. You must have complete faith in the power of dua and the blessings of the Almighty.

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